Male' Road Project wins the best in the world

Happy Eid Mubarik to all! What did you do for Eid?
I have been to my atoll for Eid play. It was not as fun as it used to be. Everyone was talking about politics. Anni also visited my island. He showed us many dreams, many dreams which I can't even dream in a dream.
One of the dreams we always had was to pave all roads of my island, so that we can drive our motorcycles faster in the bodumagu. Riding motorcycle has been part of my life as I have lived in Male' most of my life. I take carerof a friend's motorcycle, in exchange he lets me ride it when he works in the resort.
When I grew up in Male', I always knew that Male' Municipality's road project was in competition with the Electricity Board, Water Supply and Telecom Ministry. I have always known that Municipality would be the winner. Hon. Minister Umaru Zahir is a good person who rides a male Raleigh bicycle like an ordinary man. Municipality finished paving the roads with concrete; a technology which no other country has dared to try on the roads.
The losers at Water supply, Electricity Board and Telecom Ministry had to destroy the concrete and lay the pipes and cables for water, electricity, and telephones in three different turns. Well, this process took most of my years in MES school. And as soon as the last road was finished cementing after burying the Electricity cables for the 2nd time, Municipalty developed a new technology. Which they found out later that it is used in other countries in populated continents such as Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Europe. This technology involves importing brick from a company in Singapore (owned by a Maldivian).
To lay the bricks, the Multi Million Rufiyaa cement roads had to be destroyed and replaced with even more expensive high-tech bricks. Like the previous time the Electricity Board (now called STELCO), Water Supply (now MWSC) and Telecom Ministry (now Dhiraagu) was in a race with them. And as before Municipality won. STELCO, MWSC and Dhiraagu had to remove the bricks in separate turns to do their job.
During most of my life in Male', the 2 square kilometer city seemed 10 times as large. The road blocks lead me to travel around male', (sometimes take a boat), to go to the house next block. Fast motorcyclers can only survive in cities as this.
This is the story of Male' road project. It is one of the best road projects in the world. I'm sure it would be a bit better for my Island.
dear disturbed skull, all of ur articles have been so interesting, especially ur first one.its so entertaining.and the way u present ur stories is also very exciting.but the last one lacks ur former humourous approach that u use for presenting the stories.
disturbing truth is not entertaining to the people benefiting from the corruption. i like this post.
Perhaps the planners of the project had good reasons for how they did it.
For example when STELCO are digging up the road, Dhiraagu might not have their wires ready to do it with them.
But that is no excuse. In a small country like ours, it should not be very difficult to coordinate all the projects for maximum efficiency.
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