How I become an American doctor without leaving Maldives!

I specifically told Adambe that I could only live in a house with a TV in Male'. I used to be a big fan of Dharey and Amithab Bachchan. Soley is my all time favorite movie. My (boss's) house is one of the first house in Male' to have a dish antenna. I loved it. I love every inch of the dish. One of my favorite was E.R. I have watched all episodes of E.R. And now I am more than just an ordinary doctor. I know everything about paramedics in special cases.
Some of the doctors with just a mere MBBS from a 3rd world country comes to work at IGMH thinking that they are more than ordinary doctors. They treat others as if they are superior. Whereas as an E.R qualified doctor, I can say that Maldivian doctors need proper training.
helo my name is Dr. Mohamed. i did my MBBS in a punjabi village off the pakistani border. for medicine we use quran verse and jinni help. but today i work at IGMH and have an American accent. when patients visit me i dont look at their faces (because i know more about human anatomy than them). i try to look more interested in my sthethoscope and blood presure gadget. nowadays i also have a laptop. and the islanders are just boggled by how medical i am. im learning how to do heartsurgey on google.
I guess the only word to describe ur blog is surreal... Even the comments seem surreal...
Is this blog a work of fiction, or am i living in some kinda dream here...
Any ways... u have to understand that E.R is a work of fiction... you also have to understand that most of the doctors in the US are actually from third world countries. By that i dont mean they a native to those contries and trained from the great US of A. Most of them actually train in 3rd world countries. Just take a peak at the USMLE statistics. The country enlists hundreads of doctors from 3rd world countries. Why? Because the great US of A is so damn developed the doctors that train there do not know how to differentiate Leprous Neuritis from Tuberculosis, simply cause there are no cases of Leprosy or Tuberculosis in the US of A. So the only way they can get docotors who can identify such and such diseases is by enlisting doctors from developed countries. So simply put, being trained from a 3rd world country does not make u a worse doctor, Its who you are to begin with. I hope I have made my point clear. Thanks.
anonymous 1: Have you head of Telemedicine? I practice that too. E.R is the 'Tele' of the Telemedicine. Ofcouse there are a lot of indian and pakistani variants, such as Muggadharu Kee Sikandharu.
anonymous 2: You sound exactly like the kind of an ordinary Maldvian doctor I was describing.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being an ordinary Maldivian doctor.
Do you have any idea of how many people he treats and how many people get well due to his treatment. It may not be worth making a TV show about it but they provide a necessary service.
You don't need an ER specialist to treat a simple case of viral fever or diarrhoea. So, what's wrong in being an ordinary doctor. Not everybody can be special - that would just make them ordinary too.
I love your satire....So when are your consultation hours
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