Religions I know: Introduction

Before coming to Male' I did not know that there existed a religion other than 'Budhudheen' and Islam. I have always thought that only idiots would be worshiping and asking for things from statues. I was not aware of anything deeper than that about the 'Budhudheen', although I was quite amazed to see Ameethab Bachan's mother being saved by these Budhus on every movie I have ever watched.
Then one day when I was in Male', Mr. Amaruseyna (My boss's fish partner), told me "What do you get by praying to a wall?" At that point it triggered to me that there's a lot more to 'Budhudheen' than just the statues.
Of course I have heard about Yahoodhees, but never new the difference between Yahoodheen and Christians. Like a lot of people in Maldives, I consider them both the same. The occupiers. Although my grade 8 Islam lessons made sure that Yahoodheen was in that land years before Muslims, now the Muslims want Yahoodheen out makes no sense to me. Most of the people in our country is more concerned over the freedom of a country we have never seen than the freedom of our own country. Most people in Palastine live in more freedom and better condition than most of the Maldivians.
It is their job to make their home safe and secure. And our job not to poke our noses where it doesnt belong. (This does not apply for the Wahabees). It is the job of Wahabees to make things more complicated and messy than ever, and it is also the job of Wahabees to make the life of the Palestinians worse. Not ours.