21 August 2007

List of things to take to Island for Roadha Mas

The great and blessed Roadha Mas is on it's way to Maldives. For this Roadha Mas my boss is giving me holiday to go to my island. My family is not in the island.8 remaining members of my family lives in a half bedroom roof in Male'. When I go to my island I will be alone. but some of my friends are there. My bro said that our Theyo Undhun still works. I am making a list of stuff to take to my island. my friend Zareer (zarre) will come in his pickup to buy these.

The List
2 case Felivaru Fish cans (becoze people dont like fishing in island now, specially in roadha mas)
2 case Mamee Noodulis (one for breakfast one for haaru)
1 case kinley water (island water is too very sick)
1 bottle of Saafu Theyo (for the cooker)
5 DSI slippers (one for each friday and one for eid. they get lost in mosque)
1 bottle of Kaashi Theyo (for cooking and hair)
1 ipod mini (borrowing from Azeem to show off to island people)

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20 August 2007

Yaameen and MDP against the Universe

My friend Gasimtey called me on my new Sonee Erection mobile phone Saturday afternoon to go and vote. All I've been hearing these days is Barulamaanee and Siyasee nizaams. My friend Jameel has even applied for a job as a Lecturer for Nizaams in Oksford School in London UK. His p.h.d comes from going to Party meetings, listening TVM, Radio and from Haveeru debate.

Not too long ago MDP was advocating “Riyaasee Nizaam while eating Bondi Bai behind a Tetrahead stone donated by Japan Aid. Recently MDP switched their views and started campaigning against Riyasee Nizaam. MDP's education materials has focused mainly on associating the Dictator Gayyoom (Golhabo) to the Riyasee Nizaam.

“In any system the people in power can do what ever they want. A Barulamanee system with a misleading MDP can as well create as much poverty and corruption as a Dictatorship of a Riyaasee DRP” said Saeed.

MDP has spend a lot of effort and money on promoting a system using disinformation and unrelated content. Jameel and Rasheed (on his blog) anonymously suggested that Yameen is behind this. When the fight between Ilyas (Gasim) and Yameen got stronger Gayyoom offered Yameen a key to a secret treasure which MR. Greedy could not refuse. He left the cabinet and took the key. It was Yameen who is behind MDP to turn MDP's support against Riyasee system. Most of the money for the Barulamaany campaigning was from Yameen himself (The People). Yameen's political association named Peoples Association (named after those he has taken everything from) is the only association that openly supported a Barulamaanee system. Adhaalathu, IDP and (Ilyas) Ibra's party are slaves of Gayyoom and cronies. MDP wanted to take the advantage of the situation from Yameen. MDP is formed to aid (to get innocent people involved in) fights between larger powers. These fights are between large entities in Maldives who is keeping Gayyom in power, such as Ilyas, Gasim, Yameen, Koli etc. It is the people who are actually suffering. People like my friend Gasimtey and Abdul Razzag.

I'm posting this from my new Sonee Erection phone. It is a huge phone. I like to keep it on the table when I go and have coffee with my friend Gasimtey.