This morning after I came to the cybercafe as usual I started reading D.O and Minivan with my skype, msn and all sorts of unknown things on this Microsoft Windows XP computer. Suddenly things started to get mixed up and guess what I picked up? the sound of infamous Sappe of Dhivehi Observer talking to our President Gayyoom (also known as Golhaboo among Maldivian adults and Golaabo among children). Both were having a laugh about what was written on D.O. Gayyoom said he is very happy about the work Sappe is doing everyday and his greatest enjoyment is the skype conversation they have every morning in which Gayyoom briefs Sappe on what to write on D.O for the next day. Sappe also praised Gayyoom and said that 'all my inspirations are from you'. Besides praising each other I also heard that 'Golhabo' is a name designed by Gayyoom himself.
Sappe is paid over 10 thousand pounds monthly (over 2 Million Ruffiya annually) by MDP and its supporters and Gayyoom and his supporters pays him twice as much. This is the reason why a person who stays with his family (frequently bringing and sending back his extended family) in the 'Minivan Javvu' of Salisbury with such funding from MDP has managed to do nothing more than damaging the so-called reformers of Maldives among local and all International Organizations.
Although Sappe and Golhabo try hard to hide it if you read back some back issues of D.O you will see the close connections between both of them. Starting from the time Sappe was studying with Golhabo's money and his son in the UK, his open contributions to Ilyas Ibrahim from time to time, specially during the time Ilyas ran against Anni for parliament membership and his connections with Buruma, Jaabir.. the list goes on. I am sure that even Sappe is aware that Maldivians are not going to forget it ever!
Their conversation this morning ended with Gayyoom promising Sappe a Million dollars from the 80 Million (from the Tsunami funds) GPC (Global Protection Committee) found in Gayyoom's banks in the UK. Sappe agreed to try a big 'rocketu' to make up a story to make it unbelievable to the international community and also to the local people. They laughed.. and laughed...