22 June 2007

Raajtey and Meenaxi

Raajendhar Kumar is the name of the new person my boss brought to our house. He is from India. He is very strong and hardworking. He speaks Hindhee but not as fluent as me. I learned Hindhee from Amitab Bacchan and Jaya Prada. He will take over some of the work I do at home. I showed him how to Valhudhiya hikka today. He was very amazed to see how shallow our well was. He says that in India the wells he Valhudhiya hikka was over one Kilo Meter per hour deep.

His friends in India call him Raaj. We call him Raajtey. He's a very friendly guy. He is married. He showed me a picture of him with his wife. Her name is Meenaxi. They looked very happy together. Raajtey said that he is a prince from his village. And the first person to get out of India. He said the whole village contributed the money to pay for the agent.

He stayed in Seedhee's house first in Male'. Raajtey said Seedhee is a good man. Raajtey had to do all the things in that house. Everything Seedhee says and everything Seedhee's two wives say, everything Seedhee's 6 children and their husbands, wives and children say. And also everything their friends say and everything the Dhivehi servant of that house say.

So Raajtey was exhausted. And one day Raajtey left the house. And started working much less for much more money for a construction group. Then all sort of problems were caused by Seedhee's children. Raajtey was almost deported forever. All the money of his poor village people were going to go wasted. They expected something back from their prince. My boss saw Raajtey's sufferings and with his connections he brought Raajtey to our house. My boss is trying to send Raajtey to a haassa class to teach him English and Maths. But he has found no place willing to admit a Raajtey yet.

I like Raajtey. He's younger than me. He's 22 years old.

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10 June 2007

Birth of Maldives Public Transport Company (MPTC)

All my friends from my island likes to think that our island the biggest city in the world. Because if we call a taxi to go from Mudhimbe's house to the mosque the taxi would never come. One time Mudhimbe waited for the taxi for two months. But it never came. He lost faith in taxis and thought up of a plan for a bus system.

His plan was to have two bus stops. One in front of his house. One in front of the mosque. He proposed his plan on a voshifilla to Katheeb who changed the plan a bit. One stop in front of Katheeb's house another in front of Rashu office. Then came the atoll chief. He said 'What a brilliant idea!'. He promised to take the voshifila to Male' but with a little change. One in front of Atollge and another in front of Dhiyana's house. (Dhiyana is the young female secretary for atoll chief)

In Male' transport minister saw the plan and changed it a little and proposed it to president. One near his first wife's house and another near her boyfriend's. President saw the plan and approved it with a little change. One stop near the kitchen of the palace another near presidential bedroom.

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06 June 2007

Paper 3/1987: Dichotomy of manifestations raised on appropriating Fatloon in place of Mundu among small island men: An indepth analysis.

By My Mother.

Dhohokko (1985) in his unpublished paper writes "when a country is westernized, men will wear trousers". Dhohokko is one of the leading cultural pseudo-anthropologists from United Kashidhoo (UK). His patent pending “cultural litmus configuration” tests revealed that Mundu is the only covering necessary for the small island nation men.

On the contrary Dr. Rakisbondu (2015) said that ideas like Dhohokko’s are just too old. Younger homosapiens of small islands are wired with 200 Kilobytes per second of MTV and Internet. Dr. Rakisbondu is an advocate of Jeans for men. His research in University of Menchester United shows that wearing Jeans strengthens “Shavhiyani” chromosome of the small island men. Dr. Dr. Latheefa who is holding a double Ph.D writes on her blog that “Riveted jeans can cause social disharmony leading to socioeconomic congressional dispologamy.” Dr. Dr. Latheefa is an advocate of round necked frocks for the countries ‘xy’ chromosomed hummus erectus.

Ibrhahim Dhee Dhee working as an assistant umbrella in the MET office said that Dr. Dr. Latheefa’s papers are not understandable. “They have a tone of very Doctorness. But it is full of misinformation and logical fallacy”. Then he said “a dichotomy is what we seek and dichotomy is what we get” referring to a dark object which looks like a burned thelli babukeyo. “Although Dr. Dr. Latheefa wears Mundu anything she blubbers is considered sinister” (Bus Driver Rasheed 2000).

(Only very educated people comment will be accepted for this post)

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02 June 2007

Taking Garu from Garudhiya

Today I was cooking Garudhiya for my boss's return from his trip to some foreign countries. I spend over an hour taking Garu from the Garudhiya theli. It is so meditating and very deep. I love taking Garu. It is really something everyone has to do. I enjoy it soooo much.

01 June 2007

Rasheed announces he was having blogus coitus with Simos (XXXX rated)

Rasheed is using Simos as a trojan horse to enter into the Maldives blgosphere. This was announced through his "unofficial" blog which he uses as a backdoor to official issues. This backdoor was opened up in a surgery he had at IGMH which was later expanded in Apollo Hotel in Sri Lanka. Rasheed has described his blogus coitus relations with Simos in sickening almost graphic detail in an attempt to deny any relations with Mr. Hill. His mistress Simos is too naive and finding it hard to believe that Rasheed is already married to Mr.Hill. He wants to further maintain their s&m relationship and has openly declared in capital letters "I LOVE YOU".

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TVM NEWS: Rasheed kidnapped in chowkit massage parlor

I don't want to question credibility of TVM (soon coming to an internet near you). But just as my Adhalath party buddy was watching porno from Italian channels when I switched the channel to TVM I heard this sad story. "Rasheed kidnapped in chowkit massage parlor". How sad. He was a good man. He's trying to claim opening of the internet (which he cannot close like other things) without cutting the ribbon. He thinks that he is the step father of internet and the mother in-law of blogging and the illegitimate sister of flickr. To make everyone happy here's a lawyer joke taken from his internet.

There are no honest lawyers:
A lawyer named Mr. Rasheed was shopping for a Mahaanagaa. After he had made his selection, the engraver Hameed asked him what inscription he would like on it.

"Here lies an honest man and a lawyer," responded Rasheed.

"Sorry, but I can't do that," replied Hameed. "In this island, it's against the law to bury two people in the same grave. However, I could put `here lies an honest lawyer'."

"But that won't let people know who it is!" protested Rasheed.

"Sure it will," retorted Hameed. "People will read it and exclaim, "That's impossible!"

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